Interaction Brief: Initial Prototype and Rules

I was able to get to the point with my board game where I had the first version of my rules and also a very brief prototype of my board game, no design has been added yet, and all Omen cards, warrior cards and creature cards are still writing on pieces of paper.

This is the First version of my rules so far, they are currently only written on a piece of A4 ruled paper, but I will add design and type them up when I am sure they are what I want.

This is the first general layout and prototype of my board game, like the rules, they are only on writing on paper, and my board uses the design I chose in my design process, but they will later be defined through playtesting and designing.

Self Reflection: Having a prototype in front of me really helped me to understand what elements maybe needed revisiting and what elements are okay, having a initial set of rules is also really good as this means I can now go out and get people to playtest my game, which will allow me to further develop it.


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