Interaction Brief: Initial Ideas

I started to think of ideas that I could implement into a board game, then decided on doing a capture the flag inspired board game. When researching capture the flag board games, I found a board game called Stratego which is a capture the flag inspired board game, so I decided to still keep the same feel as capture the flag, in the way that the main purpose is to 'capture' an item from an apposing team or player, but change the theme and outlay of the game so it was my own product. 

I settled on a game titled Soul Quest, after research into what of my initial name ideas were already taken or copyrighted by games, book series or shows.

Self Reflection: When figuring out what idea I wanted to continue on with, I only really had one game stuck in my head, but I didn't have a full idea of the game I wanted to create from that, to improve my ideas, I should have completed a mind map planning out every thing that I had thought of, and from that chosen the best, of which would have been the game I had the most insight about. from now on, I plan on making sure every element I create has a solid design process behind it, and I know what I am doing before just diving into it head first.


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