Smaller Props

After modelling and implementing the bigger props for behind the counter, I began to model and texture smaller props such as coffee cups and plates.

Below is a list of props that I knew I needed to develop to make the scene look alive;

- Bags of coffee beans for decoration

- Crisp bags

-Takeaway cups 

-Coffee Cups



-Jugs for milk & Hot chocolate

I needed to make sure that all of these props were small and low poly, so that they didn't take up as many polys in the scene when they were only going to be seen in passing by the player, and were not supposed to be focused on.

Coffee Bean Bags & Crisp bags

When It came to modelling the coffee bean bags and crisp bags, I was aware that I could use the same model and just scale up/ down and change the texture of it, this was because these are only minor props, and it limited the amount I had to model.

Takeaway Cups

With the takeaway cups, I knew I wanted to Make sure the cups were able to be either full, meaning including both lid and cup or separate to stack as if they are awaiting being used, so I modelled the cup and lid separately then combined them within unity so I had FBXs ready for individual use and cohesive use.

Coffee Cups & Plates

I modelled a simple porcelain coffee cup and a plate that could be combined together to look like its ready to serve, as well as be stacked and look like they are ready to be used. I also made sure to make one cup having liquid in it and one that looks as though it has been taken from.

Trays and Jugs

I then decided to fully flesh the scene out and make the scene look used I needed some Trays that food and drink would be served on as well as stainless steel jugs that milk and hot chocolate would be boiled and made within.



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