FMP Pre Production - Orb Concepting & Abilities

 As I have decided I wanted there to be ability orbs within the game, I concepted what the orbs may look like.

The Orbs are named after Zodiac signs, this is due to the fact that zodiacs often show up within stories of mythology, so having them mixed in with the goddesses within the game made sense.

The Zodiacs are grouped by which element they are associated with, e.g. each zodiac is one of either Air, Fire, Earth or Water. Each Elemental group has a buff that the team will receive.

(Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)
Air Signs are said to be Intelligent Communicative, analytical, witty, sociable and free spirited.

I decided that the buff given by the Air elemental orbs would be a Speed buff. The speed buff will increase the players speed by a little amount and last for 5 seconds. This will help the player's team to evade players on the enemy team.

(Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)
Water signs are said to be Caring, Cautious, Emotional, Intuitive, Mysterious and Sensitive.

The buff given by picking up the Water elemental orbs will be a blindness buff of which will inflict the enemy team. The enemy team will only be able to see a certain radius, of which will be considerably decreased compared to the normal radius. This lasts 5 seconds, and will improve the friendly teams chances of getting tags.

(Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)
Earth Signs are said to be Dependable, Practical, Conservative, Materialistic, Driven and Stubborn.

The Earth Elemental buff is a Slowness Buff on the enemy Team. This will serve in opposition to the speed buff inflicted by the air elementals, Slowness slows the enemy team by a bit and makes it harder for them to evade the friendly team.

(Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)
Fire Signs are said to be Action-Oriented, Passionate, High-Energy, Impulsive, Competitive & Temperamental.

The Fire elemental buff is a strength buff given to the friendly team. This strength buff gives a tag resistance to the team, each player has 1 tag immunity, which means they are immune to their next tag. After the tag has been used up the player is vulnerable to tags again.


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