FMP Pre Production - Research into Modular Asset Building

To make it easier for me when it comes to building the scene within unity, I decided to research modular environment modelling. 

This should make it easier for me to mix and match components I have made within Maya and make a cohesive scene within Unity.

Through Looking at YouTube videos and looking at some already available modular asset packs (Listed below) I found the following:

Modular Assets are lots of assets that can be replicated and used over and over, usually being able to slightly change textures or sizes so that nothing looks replicated,

Each asset when changed through textures is build the same, and has the same geometry, but they look different from each other.

When making modular assets, one thing to always ensure is that all the assets line up, and fit together perfectly, meaning all assets are the same depth and height, 

all textures on the asset would line up to the next asset if they were to be snapped together, and all assets follow a similar style. 

An example of modular asset building would be a fence, at the bare minimum, you would model a fence post, and the middle of the fence, this could then be replicated, 

rotated and snapped to make multiple different fence types, including corners, forks, and fences with multiple branching off. Some people may model corners, 

forks and branching fences, as well as the middle and post of the fence so that these assets are readily available for the user to use within the scene.

Other assets that tend to be modular would be Roads, Walls, vents and pipes, as well as assets for certain interiors such as kitchen cupboards or shelves for shop interiors.

Examples of Modular Asset Packs:

YouTube Videos and Websites used:


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