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Reflection Document

Introduction Within this reflection document, I will reflect on how I worked as an individual, and how efficient/ effective I worked, I also intend on reflecting what I have learned about my work style and also different disciplines such as Maya, Substance, and Unity throughout this project, as well as touching on how I might do things differently if I were to restart or redo this project. To finish this document out, I want to ensure that I look to the future, and what I can personally improve on when it comes to potential future personal and professional projects. It should be noted that about 6 weeks before the deadline an unfortunate event took place whereby the hard drive all of my work was on got wiped, leaving me with nothing to show for what I had done. All work that has been completed and I have to show at this point has been completed within the past 6 weeks, using all of the knowledge I have gained over the past 3 years doing my Game Design degree. Reflection To help further...

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