Character Sizing and more modular asset planning

 I knew in order to texture and lay everything out accurately I needed to create modular assets that allow me to place doors, walls, windows etc wherever and chop and change them as i see fit. 

First was making sure everything was sized correctly, to do this I set my Maya default size to feet to make my job easier.

An average human is around 5 foot 7 inches, so I first set out planes that reached 6 feet so I could size the character correctly. Unfortunately sue to the fact it was an imported character model it didn't have 1,1,1 dimensions so I needed to go this route to make sure everything was correctly sized.

I then did some research on what the average height of one floor is in an average building. Most floors are 9.5 to 10 foot tall, so I made a 9.5 foot pillar so I could compare it to the player character, once i was satisfied with he sizing I then moved on further with the modular assets.

The average door height in the US is 6 foot 6 inches, and the width is 3 foot

When thinking of window dimensions I followed the classic dimensions of a 'double hung' window, as these are the windows most likely to be seen in New Orleans. A double hung window can be between 24 (2 ft) and 48 (4 ft) inches wide, and between 36 (3 ft) to 72 (6 ft) inches tall.

For the smaller window on the left I decided to make it 3 ft wide and 4 ft tall, and for the larger window on the right I decided to make it 3 ft wide and 6ft tall to allow a player to walk through it.


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