Simple game art for 2D Sidescroller

I decided first to complete some simple art to help solidify my idea in my head. My initial idea was to go for art a lot like Flappy Bird, and i started to look up online and make the pipes the way that they are within the game. I then changed my mind, and in order to have my game be more unique, I made sure that i made all of the art within the game to be different from Flappy Bird. That's when I settled for tree stumps, vines, and a parrot, almost as though it was set in a rain forest.

I decided to do the bird in a more pixel art way, in order to make it more like Flappy Bird.

Whereas the vines and the tree trunk, i decided to do in a more realistic way. Along with the background.

For the Coin, I decided to go back to a traditional platformer style game, and design it more like the coins in Mario.


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